Dance Ireland in partnership with Áine Stapleton and First Fortnight will offer workshops focused on dance and well-being.
Curated by Áine Stapleton these workshops will be led by leading international experts in the field; Alexandrina Hemsley (UK) (Thursday 9 January) and Marika Rizzi (IT) (Friday 10 January).
The workshops are open to all and will be hosted at DanceHouse. Dance Ireland is the national dance development organisation, enabling people, places, ideas, communities and genres of dance to come together – to ignite action, provoke thought and for fellowship and fun.
Dance Ireland is delighted to announce an additional partnership for 2020 with Galway Dance Project. A workshop will take place in Galway with Marika Rizzi (Saturday 11 January).
Further details: and
Workshop fee: €10 per workshop (Special Rate at DanceHouse: book and pay in advance both workshops: €15).
All fees go directly to paying the workshop leaders.
Dance Ireland - See booking Link
Galway Dance Project -
Workshops sold out.